Introduction to the Kimchi group

The Kimchi group in the School of Physics performs theoretical and computational research on strongly interacting quantum matter. We are currently looking for a few more PhD students to join our group.  If you are interested please contact Itamar Kimchi.

Our group works on correlated quantum systems, and on the topological and entangled phases of matter which can sometimes emerge in these systems. In these kinds of settings, no direct computer simulations can ever be performed even in principle: figuring out the right questions to ask (including using simulations in more clever ways) is the challenging and most fun part of the work.

Some recent talks are as follows:

Somewhat less specialized talk at ICTS workshop:

Somewhat more specialized talk at KITP conference:

Less recent but public-audience talk for Pappalardo-funded fellowship:

Our research interests in the theory of quantum matter focus on model systems that allow us to discover conceptually new insights in the theory and that often are also relevant to experiments. A favorite setting is frustrated quantum spin systems, sometimes with strong spin-orbit coupling (e.g. iridates), sometimes also with quenched disorder. Such quantum magnets are closely related to superconductivity. Other settings include topological quantum anomalies, quantum Hall, topological semimetals, and increasingly various cold atomic and molecular systems. Such controlled systems, as well as quantum materials, are directly relevant to quantum information science including the quantum computing research that is gaining new popular visibility. Typically our research projects combine analytical studies with some kind of numerical technique, often tailor-designed for the particular problem. This can also help to connect back to experiment.